
November 6, 2010

Getting ready for my first Photo shoot(ing)!!

18th of Novembere 2010. -6pm. Location: photo stduio, Trastevere, Rome.
These are details of my first ever photo shooting!! It is the final project of my fashion styling course that I've been attending since July at Accademia del Lusso ( it sounds great, eh?) in the heart of Rome _ Via Barberini ;-)

Today I spent my Satturday afternoon sewing, yes-sewing, a lilica petticoat, that i really want for a shoot. I could have got it from a shop, or hired it but...I though that as an beginner stylist I should do it myself and learn how hads-on this job really is. bedroom looked like this.

The first layer of the petticoat is done ;-)

I will post more pics with the accessories that I bought and what I still need to get.


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