
November 1, 2010

MJ , j'adore.

It took me a while to realise it, but I admire, adore and _let's say_ love MJ work! No, no, it's not Michael Jackon but it's Marc Jacobs. of course.

It all started with F/W '10 retro, fifties collection for LV and since then I constantly used LV or MJ stuff for my blog, as you can see in my two last polywore sets. But the epithome was my request to my boyfriend to get for me some special items that Marc has lately produced for Marc by Marc Jacobs.
I was lucky enough, let's admit it, that my boyfriend was going to Paris _ it was even Fashion week!_ so I asked him to go to 19 Place du marché Saint-Honoré and get me what's in the following pictures ;-))

Sweet, simple things...aren't they? And I was so excited, like a child on Xmas, to get it.
I'll try to get hold og other everyday, useful (?) items like these.. Fingers crossed.

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