
January 7, 2011

Celebration! 50th post!

Hi there! Just realised that today I'd published my 50th post! So to celebrate, here it is a  picture of a man of a cute man of 50 ;-P 
I think it is a good way to wish the blog good luck and a nice present for you, my readers. Uh? Do you like it?

Ciao! Mi sono appena reso conto che oggi ho pubblicato il mio 50esimo post! Così per festeggiare eccouna foto di un bel tipo di 50 anni ;-P
Penso che sia un bel modo per augurare buona fortuna al blog ed un gradito pensiero per voi. Eh? Che ne pensate?



  1. I've always said it: details make perfection! Nice outfit, very polished. And really useful tips!

  2. Thanks for the comment and glad you liked it and yes..I agree with you abt details
