
June 23, 2011

Fashion Styling.Behind the scene. Dietro le quinte.

Hi there.
Havent' been blogging for a while but for a reason.
And that is 'So Vain Magazine', a blog turned on line magazine of my Facebook friend Stepahie Reed.
She asked me to write for the magazine but , as I dont' REALLY like writing, it turned out that I have a weekly column called 'Dan Styling Tips' about the nature of fashion styling.
The column, for the time being, it's planned to last just for few week. Every Friday I'll explain the major aspects of styling, for those in the know and those who would like to know.
Here's the link to the column with the plan of the articles that will appear. Don't forget to check also the other sections of the magazine.

E' da un po' che non aggiorno il blog ma per un motivo valido.
Si chiama 'So Vain Magazine', un blog trasformato in magazne online della mia Stephanie Reed. Mi ha chiesto di scrivere per il magazine ma, poichè non mi piace moto farlo, la collaborazione si è trasformata in una rubrica chiamata 'Dan Stylin Tips' sulla natura del fashion styling.
La rubrica, per ora, durera solo alcune settimane. Ogni venerdi'raccontero' uno degli aspetti importanti dello styling, sia per gli addetti ai lavori che per chi ne vuole sapere qualcosa in piu'.
Ecco il link della rubrica con la sequenza degli articoli che appariranno. Non vi scordate di leggere anmche le altre sezioni del magazine.

1 comment:

  1. I have read this post. This post is a nice one that similar to fashion designing and styling . That I will inform about your post to my friends and all the best for your future post..
