
September 11, 2011

Fashion PitStop 10th-11th September Churchill Square Brighton

This afternoon as I was heading to town I had a text from My friend Aimie telling me that in Churchill Square there was a fashion show till 5pm! Being a curious beast I I was going anyway to check around some winter coats and boots options...for me...not a shoot for a chage!!
 Oggi pomeriggio mentrte andavo in centro, a brighton, la mia amica Aimiei mi ha mandato un messaggio, dicendomi che a Churchill Square c'era una sfilata di moda fino alle 17! Essendo nuna bestiolina curiosa sono andato...anche se mi ci stavo diregendo comunque per guardare delle opzioni per dei cappotti e degli stivali invernali...per me...non per uno shooting!!

The event was called Fashion Pitstop and the hall of the shopping centre was car-themed with a zebra crossing runaway bit and road signs on the manequins.
The trends on show were: colour, heritage, sequins and a men's section ( with no name!!) :-(
Fashion stylist were at hand between shows , one every 20 minutes, to talk you through the trends and the clothes stands that were all around the runaway section.
L'evento era Fashion PitStop e la 'piazza centrale' del centro commerciale era allestita secondo il tema automobilistico con la pedana per sfilare decorata come strisce pedonali e cartelli stradali sopra i manichini.
I trend in mostra erano: colori, eredita', pailletes e sezione uomo ( senza nome!!) :-(
Delle fashion styl;ist erano a portata di mano, tra una sfilata e l'altra, ogni venti minuti, per descrivere i trend e mostrare gli abiti appesi attorno alla passerella.

The event was organise by the shopping centre itself and showcasing items from its shops...of course.
They showed 2 looks at the time and a brand at the time, every twenty minutes, so I had the chance to check out only Zara, for the colour trends, and Bhs, for the sequin trend. I was expecting a full fashion show though. Shame, as I am sure that a proper one would have attracted more people and attention and therefore would have driven the sales more.
L'evento e' stato organizzato dal centro commerciale stesso e mostrava vestiti dei suoi negozi...ovvio.
Sfilavano 2 look per volta di ogni brand, ogni venti minuti, quindi ho avuto la possibilita' di vedere solo Zara, per il trend colori, e Bhs, per il trend paillettes. Mi aspettavo una sfilata vera e propria pero'. Peccato, perche' sicuramente una sfilata vera avrebbe attrattatto piu' persone, piu' attenzione avrebbe prodotto piu' vendite.


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