
June 4, 2012

Brighton Fashion Week 2012 - Ready to Wear Shows -The Shopping Experience

As well as being able to see some more fashion shows, the Ready to Wear Shows week end was also an opportunity to browse thorugh stall of clothing and accessories designers and shop them too. There was plenty of choice, from contemporary, handmande accessories and jewellery to vintage and retro ones; the same goes for the clothing ranging from designers lines to vintage, retro and ready to wear. I did know few people from the stalls already - China Doll Boutique, Oh My Honey and Ramide Jewels - and thanks to a networking party the day before, I got to know more of them, somed from the Brighton area others from London. Here some pictures of the stalls at the event.

Oltre ad avere l'opportunita' di vedere altre sfilate, il week-end dei Ready To Wear Shows ha offerto anche l'opportunita' di curiosare tra gli stand di abbigliamento ed accessori e di fare shopping. La scelta era ampia, dagli accessori e gioiellli contemporanei, fatti a mano a quelli retro e vintage; lo stesso ventaglio di possibilita' per l'abbigliamento, da abiti di stilisti al vintage,retro fino al ready to wear. conoscevo gia' alcune persone degli stand - China Doll Boutique, Oh My Honey e Ramide Jewels - e grazie ad un aperitivo il giorno prima ho potuto fare conoscenza diretta anche con quasi tutti gli altri, alcuni di Brighton e dintorni altri di Londra. Ecco alcune immagini dell'evento.




The above company it's not a fashion label or an up and coming designer but it is closely linked to fashion.
I'm not money/finance expert (at all) but I'm including them into this post because as well as being the main sponsor of the Ready to Wear Shows, they could be of help for any fashion entrereneur reading this.
I had the chance to be expleind how the company financially helps small businesses directly from the Marketing Manager, Vince Sheppard, and I was genuily struck to learn how the comapny finances the growth of business, fashion ones included that can't secure sponsorship/loans from banks. I'm not in the postion to be able to explain how it works properly but you can find all about it on their website.

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