
June 14, 2012

Graduate Fashion Week 2012 - Gala Show

After been able to browse through the University stands, see the Northbrook College Graduate Show and get a gist of the Graduate Fashion Week a couple of days ago, yesterday I was back at the Earls Court Two for the Gala Show. The shortlisted collections were divided into four categories/awards - International, Knitwear, Textiles and Gold. - and presented in front of to a panel of judges. 
Being back a second time gave me time to focus on the show much better, go back and check the Northbrook stand, although I was thrilled to be sitting just behind those judges, including Hilary Alexander, Suzy Menkes, and Daphne Guiness :-) The collections were really good and it was a great stylig exercise for my eyes to try and capture the main features of the 27 collections on the runway -each shown through six looks.

Dopo aver curiosato tra gli stand delle varie universita', aver visto la sfilata del Northbrook College e aver carpito l'essenza della Graduate Fashion Week un paio di giorni fa, ieri sono tornato all'Earls Court Two per il Gala Show.  Le collezioni selezionate erano divise in quattro categorie/premi - Internazionale, Maglieria, Tessuto e Gold - e presentate di fronte ad una giuria.
Essere tornato una seconda volta mi ha dato  occasione di concentrarmi meglio sulla sfilata, ritornare a dare un'occhiata allo stand del Northbrook College, anche se poi l'eccitazione e' trnata quando mi sono trovato seduto proprio dietro quei giudici, tra cui Hilary Alexander, Suzy Menkez e Daphne Guiness :-) Le collezioni erano di altissimo livello ed e' stato un ottimo esercizio di styling per i miei occhi cercare di catturare le caratteristiche principali di ognuna delle 27 collezioni - mostrate attraverso sei look ciascuna.

I will do a full report abut the winners on Fashion News Magazine and here I'll just show you what caught my stylist eye.

Faro' un articolo completo sui vincitori su Fashion News Magazine e qui vi mostro cio' che ha catturato la mia attenzione da stylist.

MARIA MARTIMO - Marangoni Paris 
YVONNE KWOK -Amsterdam

ZU LIYUANZI - Marangoni Milan

CKAIRE ACTON - Central Lancashire

 ROZ LAMKIN -Manchester

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alena,
    thanks for the lovely comment. I'm really glad that you like the blog as I do put a lot of effort and passion into it.
    Thanks :-))
