
August 31, 2012

Vogue September Issue Covers Reloaded

It was only yesterday I posted a great shoot that is in the Vogue Us latest September issue. The biggest (and heaviest) ever and with the much talked about Lady Gaga cover that we all know. I realised though that I didn't really know how the first Vogue September issue cover looked like and how it changed and evolved through the years. So after a bit of research, here they are. From the September 1892 cover to the September 1992 cover. The list is not complete as I did skip few decades and few covers when Vogue was still a bi-monthly magazine.

E' stato solo ieri che ho postato uno shoot favoloso che si trova all'interno del numero di settembre di Vogue US. Il piu' grande ( e pesante) di sempre e con la chiacchieratissima cover di Lady Gaga che tutti conosciamo. Mi sono reso conto pero' di non sapere come fosse la copertina del primo numero di settembre di Vogue e come fosse cambiato e si fosse evoluto nei decenni. Cosi' dopo un po' di ricerche, eccole qui. Dalla copertina del settmbre 1892 a quella del settembre 1992. La lista non e' completa poiche' ho saltato alcuni decenni e alcune copertine del tempo in cui Vogue era ancora una pubblicazione bi-mensile.

September 1982

September 1893 (1 year old)

September 1912 (20 years old)

September 1913 (21 years old)

 September 1932 (30 years old)
September 1952 (60 years old)
 September 1992 (100 years old)

August 30, 2012

Vogue US September Issue shoot

Lady Gaga may be on the cover of Vogue US September issue but once you browse the enormous tome there's a shoot that is a show stopper: The Custom of the Country. What can I say about it? 
Shot by Annie Leibovitz and style by Grace Coddington!
(It was after I watched her in 'The September Issue' back in 2009 
that I got enlightened about being a stylist).
The concept of the shoot and the location is the life of the novelist Edith Wharton and The Mount - the villa and garden where she live between 1903 and 1908.

You can read the whole feature and see the slideshow with wardrobe credits here

August 29, 2012

Fashion and Disney: do we like it?

That's Minnie wearing Lanvin...but she's never been so tall and above all so skinny! The same goes for Daisy and Goofy below, wearing Dolce e Gabbana and Balmain. They have been redesigned for the next Barneys campaign 'Electric Parade'. The creatives say that they had to change the body shapes of the characters so that the dresses would look good on them.
I think though that they went a bit too far with 'reshaping' them and even if they're not real people, still they look quite weird. I wish the designer would have come up with some made to measure outfits instead of imposing their design on a idealised unreal body type.

Questa e' Minnie che indossa non e' mai stata cosi' alta e sopratutto magra! Lo stesso vale per Paperina e Pippo qui sotto, che indossano Dolce e Gabbana e Balmain. Sono stati ridisegnati per la campagna 'Electric Parade' dei gradi magazzini Barneys a NY. Il team di creativi afferma di aver dovuto cambare le proporzioni dei personaggi altrimenti gli abiti non avrebbero reso a dovere.
Penso che abbiano esagerato pero' con il restyling e anche se non sono persone realy, fanno abbatsanza impressione. Avrei preferito che i disegner avessero creato degli outfit su misura per questi personaggi, invece di imporli su corporature idealizzate ed irreali.

August 28, 2012

Estranged Fashion shoot

I should be used to it by now but I'm not. Having a fashion shoot published after months they have been done. It happened again today with 'Estranged', a shoot I styled here in Sussex back in April. This morning I've been alerted by Bernadette, the model that the pictures were on line, in The Storm Magazine. How nice!

Ci dovrei essere abituato ormai ma non lo sono. Vedere uno shooting pubblicato dopo mesi che si e' fatto. E' successo nuovamente oggi con 'Estranged', per cui ho curato lo styling qui nel Sussex ad aprile. Stamattina sono stato avvertito da Bernadette, la modella, che le foto erano online su The Storm Magazine. Che bello!

Photography – Kendra Storm Rae
Hair and makeup – Ange Watson
Styling – Stylist: Dario Styling
Designer: Peter Twiss 
Model –Bernadette Sparks
Location – Brighton, England

August 27, 2012

(Un)fashionable Bank Holiday

Sometimes our eyes needs a break from fashion related things (blogs,outfits,shows,collections, shoots,etc..) and out bodies too need to stay away, at least fro few hours from the computer and need a 'bit 'of exercise. That 'bit' yesterday turned out into a four hour walk up and down the Seven Sisters - from Seaford to Eastbourne (!). As you know I'm not REALLY a sporty person or fit but the view was stunning all the way and I'm really happy that R. had the idea of doing the walk.

Fashion and walking don't really go together as the main focus is to be comfortable and travel light. But as well as wearing a pair of thick walking boots I managed to incorporate into my 'walk' outift my favourite baseball cap - the Mickey Mouse one, from Beyond retro - that I can't really wear on a daily basis, as I want to look 'grown up'.

You can see the full set of pictures in the link below.

August 22, 2012

Louis Vuitton/Kusama 'Spot the Difference'

Here the final (?) post about the Vuitton/Kusama collaboration. I started blogging about it in March, when the Kusama exhibition was at the Tate Modern and have been going on about it as the first looks and the complete lookbook came out. Now, as the collection is available at Selfridges, Vuitton released these two fun short clips where there are five subtle differences for you to 'spot' :-)
See if you can find them

Ecco l'ultimo (?) post sulla collaborazione Vuitton/Kusama. Ho inziato a prlarvene a marzo, quando la mostra di Kusama e' passata alla Tate Modern e ho continuato con le preview dei primi look fino al lookbook completo. Ora, poiche' la collezione e' disponibile da Selfridges, Vuitton ha realizzato due clip divertenti in cui ci sono cinque piccole differenze da adocchiare - in italiano il gioco di parole non funziona ( spot= pois e trovare con gli occhi).

Bon ton shopping tips

Era da un po' che non postavo consigli di shopping nuova stagione sta per arrivare - ed i September issue di Vogue sono gia'in edicola. Dopo un paio di post sulle proposte FW12 da uomo ecco una selezione flash - scarpe e top. 
Al momento sto lavorando sull'idea di uno shooting anni'20, ispirato alla terza serie di Dowton Abbey e il Grande Gatsby e le proposte a seguire non sono letteralmente anni '20 ma direi abbastanza 'bon ton' e classiche rispetto a cio' che di solito propongo.

Scarpe by Melissa, camicia e maglia lunga di Rica Lewis acquistabili su Showroomprive' - cliccando qui.

August 20, 2012

From the Classroom to the Office

Just few lines to point to you this article that I wrote for So Vain Magazine. It's a style menswear style guide for those of you that either are going to go from Uni to work OR just need a work place wardrobe update. Another post for the 'boys'  inspired by the season to come :-)
Check the whole article here.

Giusto poche righe per indirizzarvi verso questo articolo che ho scritto per So Vain Magazine. Si tratta di alcune linee guida e suggerimenti di styling sia per chi tra voi passera' dall'Universita' al luogo di lavoro O semplicemnete per chi ha bisogno di dare una rinfrescata al proprio guardaroba da 'ufficio'. Un altro post per i 'boys' ispirato alla stagione che verra' :-)
L'articolo intero potete leggerlo qui.

August 17, 2012

Autumn preview for the boys.

I know, I know...summer is at its peak (in Italy with 'Ferragosto' and here in the UK as well lately.) and it's really out of sync to talk about FW12 fashion. As well as despising to be told what to wear, I can't wait though to get back to put on comfy knits, scarves and gloves...of my choice.
I really, really like the almost endless possibilities of layering that the cold season offers. Plus there 's a fashion related good news coming up in September (fingers crossed!).
I've already set my eyes on the following FW12 high street items and overall looks: knits and outerwear by River Island and H&M.

Lo so, lo so...l'estate e' al suo picco ( in Italia con il Ferragosto e qui in Inghilterra il tempo e' stato clemente ultimamente) ed veramente fuori luogo parlare della moda FW12. Se da una parte non sopporto che mi venga detto cosa indossare, non vedo l'ora di tornare ad indossare comodi maglioni, sciarpe e guanti...di mia scelta.
Apprezzo moltissimo le infinite possibilita' di layering che la stagione fredda offre. Inoltre a settembre ci sara' un abuona notizia in arrivo, relativa al mio avanzamento nel mondo fashion ( dita incrociate!). Ho gia' messo gli occhi su i seguenti capi FW12 e relativi look high street: maglieria e outerwear di River Island ed H&M

