
August 8, 2012

Stephen Jones: King of Hats

I've been thinking about writing a post about Stephen Jones for a while now, as he and his wonderful creations kept popping up all around me since I visited the exhibition 'Fashion and The Flag' here in Brighton. Then, yesterday the sad news of Anna Piaggi death, one of the most loyal fan and friends of Jones. That's why I put the picture above as the opening of this post, to celebrate and remember her, her style and on going collaboration with Stephen Jones.

I then bumped into his hats again as part of the Hatwalk event across several statues in London and finally when I bought the latest issue of LOVE. As well as a feature about him, in the magazine, his hats are all over the place :-) - in the fashion shoots and in the very last page in which Laura Stone wears a hat from the Marc Jacobs AW12 show.
You may not know every piece from every collection of Stephen Jones - I don't, anyway - but his creations are very much like a 'Chanel suit': unconsciously you know them as you've seen them on the catwalk (e.g. They were on the Vuitton and Marc Jacobs Aw12 shows).
I'm not going to write and encyclopedic piece here, so if you want to know and see more you can check either his website and Wikipedia.

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