
August 24, 2013

Fashion, Art and Design. The Lyons Teashop Lithographs.

Back on the blogging track after a break and a redesign with a personal review of an exhibition I went to in Eastbourne at the Towner: 'The Lyons Teashop Lithographs: Art in time of Austerity'. Me and Roger were drawn to this exhibition for several different reasons and, not having being around when the Lyons Teashops were open, I was intrigued by the Englishness of the artwork, the fashion in it, the link between art, graphic design, business and marketing. Roger instead had some personal memories of Lyons going back to his childhood as well as an interest in the art too.
The lithographs, made by well know artists of the time, were commissioned to be hanged on the walls of the Teashops in order both to attract customers and to lift the spirit of post World War II England.
Pictures were not allowed so I did buy a set of postcards and took pictures of them: luckily some of my favourite litographs were part of the set :-) 
Ritorno al blogging, dopo una pausa e un redesign del blog, con il resoconto di una mostra che ho visitato ad museo Towner di Estbourne: 'The Lyons Teashop Lithographs: Art in time of Austerity'. Io e Roger siamo stati attirati da questa mostra per ragioni diverse e, non essendo ne'in Inghilterra ne' tantomeno ancora nato quando i Lyons Teashops erano in voga, la'Englishness' delle opere mi ha intrigato, la moda che vi si ritrova, e la commistione di design, bisness e marketing. Roger invece aveva delle memorie pesonali di infanzia riguardo Lons oltre che un interesse per le opere d'arte della mostra.
Le litografie, create da artisti di successo del tempo, furono commissionate per essere eposte nei teashops sia per attirare clienti e sia per sollevarne il morale dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale.
Non era persmesso fare foto alla mostra, cosi' ho comprato un set di cartoline e le ho fotografate a casa: per fortuna alcune delle mie litografie preferite erano incluse :-)

I also learn how the 'Nippy' - the Lyons waitress - became an iconic figure in popular culture of the time in her black and white uniform, the well pressed apron and the headband with Lyons logo on it.

Ho anche scoperto come la 'Nippy' - la cameriera di Lyons - sia stata una icona delle cultura popolare del tempo con la sua uniforme bianca e nera, il grembiule perfettamente stirato e il cappellino con in logo di Lyons

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