
September 1, 2014

Back To School. Back To Work. For Her and For Him. #BTS #BTW

E' di nuovo quel momento dell'anno, settembre, ''il Gennaio della Moda'', mese in cui finite le vacanze ritorniamo alla nostra routine a lavoro, all'Universita' ed in famiglia. Da ragazzini, settembre significava cartella e quaderni nuovi, da grandi significa rinnovare il guardaroba secondo i trend FW14 e ricominciare a pensare in termini di layering e di capotti, sciarpa, guanti e cappello. Poi diciamocelo, fare shopping per il nuovo anno lavorativo e di studi allevia, e non di poco, il peso del tran-tran quotidiano. 
Borse, scarpe e la classica camicia bianca sono i tre capisaldi della mia shopping list 'back to schook/work'.
It's that time of the year again, September, ''the January of Fashion'', that month when the holidays are over and we all go back to our routine at work, at Uni and in our families. As kids, September menat a new school bag a new notebooks, as adults instead we refresh the wardrobe with the new FW14 trends and we start to think again about layering, coats, scarves, gloves and hats. Last but not least, let's be honest, do some shopping for the new year lightens up the burden of the daily grind.
Bags, shoes and the evergreen white shirt are the three staples of my back to school/work shopping list.

Mini by River Island; Maxi by Asos

Canavas holdall by H&M; Black holdall by Zara

 NEW SHOES: Boots For a Rainy Day

Ankle Boots by Aldo

Casual Boots by Aldo

BLANK CANVAS: The White Shirt

Shirt+blouse by Next

Slim +straight shirt by Zara

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