
October 12, 2014

Brighton Fashion Week 2014. The 10 Best Looks.

Credits: Malcolm Tam

I've just dutifully finished to review both the Sustain and the Zeitgeist show for Fashion News Magazine (in Italian) and here on my blog I'm going now to express my personal view of the look that I like most. I attended personally the Zeitgeist but I couldn't go to the Sustain due to my work schedule.

I've followed the Brighton Fashion Week with a lot of interest since I moved to Brighton in 2011 and so far I've reviewed the 2012 and 2013 edition and this is therefore my third. As usual it's really exciting to be there and both meet familiar faces in the audience and see the collection of already know designers and discover new ones. Here the 10 best looks I saw both in person and in the pictures.


Knitty Gritty
Paul Kondritz

Hybrid Boutique
Gareth Gregg

Brandy Nicole Easter
Paul Kondritz

Catherine Hudson
Malcolm Tam


Eliise Filppula
Malcolm Tam

Louise O'Mahony
 Sarah Olivier
Malcolm Tam

Natalia Rivera
 Paul Kondritz

 Malcolm Tam
Georgia Dorey
Malcolm Tam

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