
December 15, 2014

Brighton Fashion Week Xmas 2014 Pop Up Shop

After the success of its 2014 edition Brighton Fashion Week sprinkles its fashion dust over Christmas too, opening its first Pop Up shop. The aim and the mission of this event, that runs from December the 9th to January the 6th is, as the main fashion event, to showcase talent, innovation and above all give to independent, artisanal and young brands a springboard to reach a wider audience and get to be know. 

The video below gives you a clear idea of the quirky and unique  gifts that can be bought in the shop and the range of products available; from jewellery to clothing and accessories, from homewares and artworks. Here just an edit of the products available on the shop but you can choose from many more as there are over 35 designers selling them. 

The pop up shop is at 12 Meeting Lane, in the South Lanes and is open from 10am to 6pm Monday to friday and 10am-4,30pm on Sundays. Below the banner and the a map to easily find the BFW Xmas pop-up shop. (it-s marked in red).

Fashion To Eat. #pretaportea In London

Come promesso eccomi di nuovo attivo sul blog e con il resoconto di una delle esperienze piu' fashion'da me vissute in tre anni di blogging: moda da mangiare e gustare nel cuore di Londra.
Un macaroon Williamson o un biscotto Charlotte Olympia? Una Victoria sponge Moschino o una pannacotta Docle & Gabbana?
Non sono (ancora) impazzito, ma questi gustosi dolci fanno parte dell'afternoon #pretaportea al Berkley Hotel. ispirato alle sfilate FW14, che ho avuto il piacere di assaggiare come parte dei festeggiamenti (grazie a Lizzie, Cory and Eva!) per l'unione civile ufficializzata tra me e Roger il 5 dicembre.
Eccovi a seguire gli abiti e accessori che dalle passerelle hanno fatto il salto nel mio piatto!

P.S. Ho personalmente scattato solo la foto qui sotto, poiche' ero ancora nella fase 'off line'e concentrato a vivere il momento. Ho trovato pero' delle ottime foto sul blog The LDN Diaries che combaciano a perfezione con le immagini degli abiti, borse e scarpe che fanno parte del #pretaportea.

As I promised, I'm back, active on the blog and with a report of one of the most 'fashionable' experiences' I've had in my three years of blogging: fashion to eat and taste in the heart of London.
A Williamson macarron or a Charlotte Olympia biscuit? A Moschino Victoria Sponge or a Docle & Gabbana pannacotta?
I'm not gone crazy (yet), but these are the tasty sweets that you can find in the current afternoon #pretaportea at the Berkley Hotel, inspired by the FW14 collections, that I had the pleasure to eat as part of the celebrations (thank you Lizzie, Cory and Eva!) for the civil partnership between me and Roger on December the 5th.
Below the clothes and the accessories that jumped from the runway into our plates!

P.S. I've personally only shot the picture above, as I was still in my 'off line period' and focus on living the moment. I found though some excellent pictures on the blog The LDN Diaries that match to perfection with the pictures of clothes, bags and shoes that were part of the #pretaportea.

Ecco la 'sfilata' #preaportea FW14presentataci la scorsa settimana.
Here the 'catwalk #pretaportea FW14 showcased to us last week

December 13, 2014

3 Weeks Off Line. 3 Weeks of Life.

L'ultimo post risale al 22 novembre 2014, 3 settimane fa, che nellala blogosfera equivalgono, diciamo a 30 anni? Non sono stato attivo per una serie di motivi, quasi tutti positivi, per i quali ho dovuto scegliere tra la mia vita online e quella off line. Ho comunque mandato avanti il mio impegno come corrispodente dal Regno Unito per Fashion News Magazine, scrivendo del Natale ad Hyde Park, da Liberty e del Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.
My last post dates back to November the 22nd, 3 weeks ago, that in the blog world are like, let's say, 30 years? I haven't been active for several reason, most of which are positive, and because of I had to choose between my online and offline life. I've maintained my collaboration with for Fashion News Magazine as their UK correspondent, writing about Christmas in Hyde Park, in Liberty and the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

Il motivo principale di questa scelta e' stata la celebrazione dell'unione civile qui a Brighton con Roger il 5 dicembre:-) dopo 13 anni di felicissima convivenza. Anche se abbiamo fatto tutto in scala ridotta - noi 2, i testimoni ed un fotografo - siamo stati comunque impegnati con i preparativi pre-cerimonia e i festeggiamenti post-unione, terminati qualche giorno fa con un 'afternoon tea' molto fashion di cui vi parlero' in un post ad hoc tra qualche giorno.

The main reason of that choice was the celebration of my civil partnership here in Brighton with Roger on december the 5th :-) after 13 very happy years of being together. Even if we did things on a small scale - us, the 2 witnesses and the photographer - we have been busy all the same organising things and then carrying on with the several celebrations that finished just few days ago with a fashionable 'afternoon tea' that I'll describe in detail in a dedicated post soon.

Inoltre dicembre non e' il mese ideale per post originali e creativi; e' tutto un parlare di party outfit, party make up, maglioni di Natale e regali. Francamente piuttosto che scrivere di argomenti che altri 10.000 trattano, preferisco tacere, oltre al fatto che questo e' un mese fatto di feste e contro-feste, a cui non vado o non posso andare, il cui interesse e' limitato solo a coloro che vi partecipano; anche in questo caso non sempre vedo l'utilita' di scriverne.
Da oggi riprendo a barcamenarmi tra online ed offline, avendo ricaricato le 'batterie' e con un anello al dito!
Last but not least, December is not the ideal time to come up with original content on the blog; it's all about party outfits, party make up, Christmas jumpers and presents. Honestly I'd rather shut up than write what 10.000 other blogs talk about and as this is also the month of parties, where I don't go or can't go, I don't really see the point of writing about them.
From today though I'll resume my getting by between my online and offline life, full of energies and with a ring on my finger :-)