
October 25, 2015

Fashionable Halloween. AW15 Looks for Halloween.

Even though I'm far too old for Halloween and dressing up, I still like the visual aspect of it and decided to apply it to some of the AW15 looks that we saw on the runway six months ago. Can you guess which villain/character am I referencing in the opening picture? If not, read on to find out the designers/characters pairings.

Anche se ormai sono troppo grandicello per Halloween e i travestimenti, non posso fare a meno di apprezzarne il lato visivo che ho applicato ad alcuni look AW15 visti in passerella sei mesi fa. Riuscite ad indovinare quali personaggi mi riferisco nell'immagine di apertura? Scopritelo qui sotto nelle accoppiate tra stilisti e travestimenti di Halloween





October 19, 2015

LFW New Designers: Faustine Steinmetz

Faustine Steinmetz completes the triad of new emerging designers that I picked up on the latest LFW season, together with Danielle Romeril and Molly Goddard, with whom she's just been nominated for the upcoming British Fashion Awards as Emerging Womenswear Designer.
What makes Steinmetz stand out from her fellow new designers is her unique take on garments production and crystal clear vision of what her brand stands for.
Her focus is on creating mass produced garments using hand-craft techniques, craftsmanship wins over trends and every process is manual: hand-weaving, hand-dying, hand-knitting, hand-embroidery, hand-painting. 
Watch the video below to really understand what I'm referring to.

Faustine Steinmetz completa la triade dei designer emergenti che ho adocchiato durante l'ultima edizione della LFW, assieme a Danielle Romeril e Molly Goddard, con la quale condivide la nomination ai prossimi British Fashion Awards nella categoria Emerging Womenswear Designer.
Cio' che distingue la Steinmetz dagli altri giovani stilisti e' l'unicita' del suo approccio alla produzione dei capi e una visione cristallina dei valori che il suo brand rappresenta.
Il suo punto di forza e' la creazione di abbigliamento di massa usando le tecniche del fatto a mano, l'artigianalita' vince sulle tendenze e ogni processo e' manuale; la tessitura, la tintura, la maglieria, i ricami,
Guardate il video sottostante per capire meglio a cosa mi riferisco

October 17, 2015

LFW New Designers: Molly Goddard

I included Molly Goddard in my LFW SS16 10 best looks and told you that I'd write specifically about her in a later post. Here it is with perfect timing, as she is one of the nominees at the British Fashion Awards 2015 in the Emerging Womenswear Designer category. She's also the second of the three new designers that I'm writing about, together with Danielle Romeril and Faustine Steinmetz, who's a nominee in the same category too.
The picture above doesn't scream fashion in the usual way and such a ''charming awkwardeness'' - quoting Goddard's description of her style - is what makes her collections and overall inspiration stand out; a fresh, down to earth approach to clothes and a simple way to show how wearable they are. The SS 16 collection was in the form of a presentation where models where working in a sandwich factory, wearing party pretty party dresses, looking grumpy and bored as if they just got from a party or were ready to rush to one after their shift.

Ho incluso Molly Goddard nei 10 migliori look della LFW SS16 e vi ho promesso che avrei scritto di lei in un post successivo. Eccolo qui con tempismo prefetto visto che e' una delle nominate ai British Fashion Awards 2015 nella categoria Emerging Womenswear Designer. E' anche la seconda delle tre stiliste che ston approfondendo sul blog, con Danielle Romeril e Faustine Steinmetz, anche lei con una nomination nella stessa categoria.
L'immagine qui sopra non grida moda come ci si aspetta e questa '' affascinante stranezza'' - citando la descrizione del suo stile della Goddard - e' cio' che fa emergere su tutti le sue collezioni e la sua ispirazione; un approccio con i piedi per terra, fresco e un modo semplice di mostrare gli abiti e di come siano facili da indossare.
La collezione SS16 e' stata una presentazione in cui le modelle lavoravano in un'azienda che produce sandwich, indossando dei party dress con un'espressione annoiata e arrabbiata come se fossero appena tornate da una festa o fossero pronte ad andarci, dopo il turno di lavoro.

October 6, 2015

LFW New Designers. Danielle Romeril SS16. Paradise Lost

As promised a couple of weeks ago, charting the 10 LFW SS16 best looks , I'm going to focus in this post on one of the three emerging designers that showed her collection on the main schedule: Danielle Romeril. As her name and her namesake brand is totally new to me I had to do some research into them and that lead me into an interesting journey through her African inspiration for the SS16 collection.

Come promesso un paio di settimane fa, facendo la classifica dei migliori 10 look della LFW SS16, in questo post approfondiro' una delle tre stiliste emergenti nel calendario ufficiale; Danielle Romeril. poiche' sia il suo nome che il brand mi sono totalmente nuovi ho fatto un po' di ricerca che mi ha portato a 'viaggiare' in Africa attraverso l'ispirazione della sua la collezione SS16.

October 4, 2015

Brighton Fashion Week 2015

I've always been a keen supporter of fashion designers and fashion weeks close to the place I live; it doesn't matter if it's Rome Haute Couture - AltaRoma - and the Vogue Italia talents or the annual Brighton Fashion Week. Since I moved to Brighton, as you know, I've followed and be involved in it and year after year seen it become bigger and bigger. The 2015 edition is upon us, from the 15th to the 17th of October and is going to be entirely sustainable as the events, workshops, talk and last but not least collections show will be eco-friendly.

The Open Market will open the schedule with Fashion Salvage, a workshop that is aiming to show and educate people on how to up-cycle discarded clothes, using a 'Tonne of Clothes' that will be shipped to the Market as source material for the workshop. The same 'Tonne' will also be used on Saturday the 17th by LYC ( Love Your Clothes)  in partnership with Cancer Research UK and is open to the general public.

October 1, 2015

River Island Design Forum. Zoe Jordan - Christopher Shannon

In its 8th season, the River Island Design Forum has just dropped its lastest two collections. The high street brand has infact teamed up with Zoe Jordan to produce an 11 capsule collection for women and with Christopher Shannon for men.
The two designers may not be mainstream names but here lays the strenght of the River Island collaborations as they team up with  up and coming designer that are well know to the fashion insiders and introduce them to a huge audience. For the River Island customer the Design Forum is a great opportunity not only to own and wear something different and unique from the usual high street offering and a chance to get be 'educated' and get to know designer brands that will be well know in the near future.

Alla sua ottava stagione, il River Island Design Forum ha appena mandato nei negozi le sue ultime due collezioni. Infatti il brand ha collaborato con Zoe Jordan alla produzio e di una capsule collectiin di 11 pezzi per la moda donna e con Christopher Shannon per l'uomo.
I due stilisti non sono ancora conosciuti al grande pubblico ed e' qui la forza delle collaborazioni di River Island, associandosi con nomi emergenti ma ben conosciuti dagli addwtti ai lavori e presentandoli a un'audience molto vasta. Per i clienti River Island il Design Forum e' un momento non solo per possedere e indossare dei capi unici e diversi dal solito stock ma anche per 'istruirsi' e conoscere dei brand che saranno conosciutissimi nel prossimo futuro

London Faahion Week
Zoe Jordan/Christoher Shannon AW 15