
April 29, 2016

The Fashion Week Airline Has Landed.

It's not fiction and it's not the mock Chanel SS16 airline. The news is true and the fashion pack is getting an airline dedicated to their globetrottering needs. 
Ethiad Airways, the national carrier of the United Arab Emirates has signed a multiyear contract with WME/IMG, that organise most of the fashion weeks around the globe and at the moment the airline is going to sponsored 17 of them, including New York, London, Milan and the upcoming Australian Fashion Week.

Non e' finzione e non e' non e' la compagnia aerea farlocca della sfilata SS16 di Chanel. La notizia e' vera e la comitiva della moda sta per avere una compagnia aerea dedicata ai loro bisogni da globtrotter.
Ethiad Airway, la compagnia di bandiera degli Emirati Arabi, ha infatti appena siglato un accordo con WME/IMG, che organizzano la maggior parte delle fashion week e al momento ne sposorizzera' 17, tra cui New York, Londra, Milano e quella australiana a fine maggio.

What to expect from a Fashion Week Flight? Generous luggage allowance and fast track check in? A goodie bag waiting on your seat when you board and a healthy but nutriotious selection of food and snacks for the hungry fashion worker? We'll just have to wait and see.

Cosa aspettarsi da un Volo Fashion Week? Una franchigia bagaglio gerosa e un check in veloce? Una goodie bag sul sedile appena imbarcati e un pasto salutare ma nutriente per l'affammato lavorate della moda? C'e' solo da aspettare per scoprirlo.

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