
May 17, 2016

Drawbertson. Fashion, Paint and Pop Culture

'The Andy Warhol of Instagram' and Instagrammer of the Year in the opinion of the CDFA. That's Drawbertson aka Donald Roberston, the Canadian artist who combines painting, fashion, illustration and design all in one. You just need to go to his IG account ( that I've been following it for 6 months now) to get into his world with the bonus addition of his adorable and hilarious twins Henry and Charlie

His simple but eye catching style has capture the attention of the fashion world and not only he has art directed the launch of American Marie Claire and the redesign of American Glamour but also a fashion collaboration with the brand Alice+Olivia , also worn by Beyonce', and he's creative Director of Estee' Lauder too. Finally, if you want to have some fashion fun, have a look at the book 'Mitford at the Fashion Zoo' where Mitford the Giraffe interns at the fashion magazine COVER for a week working with Ace Salmonton ( Grace Coddignton) and meeting designers like Zac Possum, Shark Jakobs and Mikael Boars.