
June 3, 2022

Roma Fashion Week. London Fashion Week. Fashion. Back on track!


Here we go again. Back to writing on this blog after four months of a busy, busy time on the off line world – new role in the Partnership basically with all that it entails. I’ve struggled to keep up with my fashion news, fashion weeks and writing about it even though I kept reading about it and reviewing LFW as a UK Fashion Correspondent for Fashion News Magazine – in Italian, 160 articles so far ;-)

I now feel much more settled in my new role as a Retail Training Specialist and I’m back to giving my point of view on all things fashion. In English. Yep. I regularly floated between writing in Italian or English or a mix of both (hard work!) but I have finally realised, after more 10 years of blogging, and 10 years in the UK it, I have an English-speaking audience that would miss out if I don’t do that. So sorry Italian friends. If you can’t read English well but are still interested in my posts, I usually post lots of pictures and videos and you can use Google translate for help. :-(

Also, all of the above is a true reflection of who I am. An Italian (Roman) living and working in England, interested in both cultures and both fashion worlds. That’s why most of the past posts are about Roma Fashion Week – yes, there is one in Rome! – but also anecdotes and reflections on London Fashion Week that I have been regularly attending since 2011.

Back on track as well as I’ve just received accreditations for the upcoming LFW June 11th/13th and going to tell you about the February 2022 Roma Fashion Week edition and the upcoming July one.  So...more content coming your way on this platform soon...

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